half empty or half full

September 7, 2007

how do u see your glass? i spend most of my life waiting for something good to happen. and when it does, and sometimes even before it does, i think something bad will happen or it’ll be taken away from me.

College reunions…

July 2, 2007


That’s what weddings are about these days….long lost friends coming together to catch up. To think we once shared a part of our lives so deeply and closely. I can’t believe its been a good ten years since i was a freshman. Gosh, i feel old.

Was just remembering the events that led to me choosing usc Growing up, i was never deadset on going overseas to study. The opportunities just came up. My dad, for some strange progressive reason was fervently advocating it. And being the opportunistic teenager i was, i diligently and systematically did all the research there was and applied to 5 colleges in the states, and to 7 universities in the UK (i think). It was a long and tedious process, and at the end of it, it was a toss between Warwick (UK) or USC in Los Angeles.

As serendipity would have it, or God’s will (i wasn’t christian back then), i got a call one early Sat morning (ard 7am-ish) from LA telling me that the school was offering a half tutition fee scholarship. Woo hoo! The sunny american voice on the phone apologised for the late notification cos i was the back up kid. Some RJC kid rejected the scholarship to go to an Ivy League school (presumably). Well his loss was my gain! And the decision was set! Else i would have easily gone to Warwick with Dora…and maybe met WT there (haha). USC just sounded far away and alien to me. Los Angeles was unknown to me except for Universal Studios, Manns’ Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Blvd and Disney Land. Hehe.

So here we are today 7 years later from when we took our graduation photo. Some of us have gotten married, some of us are back in SG for good, some of us are still in the states, some of us have drifted away…try and spot us!



Wow wee…

July 1, 2007


This has been a whirlwind weekend i tell ya. There were many activities that occured starting with:

  1. Melf’s return for the weekend which called for a late night Orchard LG supper
  2. An old college friend’s afternoon church wedding
  3. Chunkey’s birthday dinner and drinks
  4. and of course, the big run to finish up the weekend

So i’m just gonna write a short one about the milk run. I signed up with Daisy and Joey, and completed the 8.4km in 70mins. The two ladies finished the run in less than an hour (good on then!). I’m just happy that i didn’t take 90mins hehe. I burned a disappointing 335 calories in the process, and was frequently out of “the zone” according to the nifty heart rate monitor watch WT got us. But one thing i’m sure glad for is the great weather (i.e. cloudy weather instead of a blazing hot afternoon). I’m so glad God answered Daisy’s prayers. Sweet.

I must say this is a nice achievement to have under the belt :) I hope it signals a better, healthier and slimmer me in time to come. Hehe. As for future 10km runs by Great Eastern and Shape, i gotta think about it man. Although 8.4km wasn’t a killer, it was pretty tough!

Krispy Kreme Part II

June 29, 2007


Bought them on Thursday. Back from Jakarta on Friday. Gone by Sunday. Yikes! Sorry Anne!

I’m back….AGAIN!

June 29, 2007

it took me a long time to get this blog up and running…along the way….it got suspended.  This was what WordPress had to say for it:

My blog has been suspended

When you sign up for a blog here at wordpress.com, you are agreeing to comply with the Terms of Service (TOS). In fact, the page has a check box next to this:

I have read and agree to the fascinating terms of service

so there is no real excuse for not knowing what is and is not allowed.

Blogs are suspended if they are found to be in breach of the TOS.

We do not contact you first to ask that content be modified or removed.

You cannot have that blog name back.

You cannot have the blog content back.

We take the TOS very seriously and act on every feedback we get to check out possible breaches.

We want wordpress.com to be a pleasant and safe environment for all our users.

Huff so unfriendly.

Krispy Kreme

May 28, 2007

My sis came back from Sydney yesterday, and being the dutiful baby sister she was, she brought home Krispy Kreme donuts like any normal Singaporean would.  Except i was aghast that she brought home only half a dozen donuts; 3 original glazed, and 3 glazed chocolate cake. Why would anyone do that?!!! As i said to chunky this afternoon, “Does she not realise the value of the franchise?” Last i heard, it costs 1 million bucks to bring in the franchise. USD or SGD, i dunno.

I love you bren, but 6 pieces?!!! :( Anyways, i guess what they say about “good things come in small packages” is true,  i’ve been rationing the donuts amongst the folks at home, checking who ate how many and what, like the drill sergeant i am. My dad had a headstart and walloped 2 donuts gleefully when no one else knew about them. I’ve had 1 so far, and we’re down to our last 2.  Am hanging on to them with my dear life like they’re precious gold bars.

Thank goodness i’ll be in Jakarta in a few weeks, and i’ll be able to buy a dozen then. *Fingers crossed*

Chocolatte strikes back!

May 28, 2007

Not sure why i started a new blog, especially since i barely updated the last one. The attention seeking side of me wants to be listed on my friends’ blog. The emo side of me is a bit sad that the chocolatte blog and community had to go. Whatever the reason, I’m back – new blog, old name ;)